Daily Archives: December 2, 2015

Being Buoyant – How to keep taking daily exercise

If you start an exercise regime, whether it is simply a 15 minute walk a day or a yoga session, and find that after a short while, you give it up, you need to change the way you think about your exercise time.

Looking good.

Looking good.

Most people start exercising because:

  • It will help them to lose weight
  • It will lower their blood pressure and cholesterol
  • It will give them a sexier shape
  • Other people do it
  • It will make them fit.
  • You too can look as sexy as me.

    You too can look as sexy as me.

I think that most of us have been there and, after a while, the regular exercise has fallen by the wayside because:

  • We are too busy
  • We are exhausted
  • The weather is awful
  • We hate it and it stinks

I know about these excuses because I have used them trillions of times. However, when I changed my thoughts about my daily power walk across muddy fields in all weather, my attitude to it changed too.

Instead of doing the walk to help lift my depression and get rid of my back pain, I did it for another reason. I do it because sometimes I feel as if I have no control over my life. I may get rejections for my writing, contracts may end prematurely, editors may ask for changes, the cost of living frightens me to death as my bills go up again and I worry about all the dreadful things that go on in the world but there is not really a lot that I can do about most of it.

When all of these things snowball me, I have to make myself feel that I have some control in my life and that is where the daily power walk comes in. It is up to me whether I do it or not. It’s a simple as that. It’s all about me feeling in control of something.

When you actually tell your subconscious this, it suddenly looks different. It is not about something that you feel that you have to do because it is entirely up to you. So go for it.


Filed under Being Buoyant